IMI GDM WS24 - Code Exercise 4: Image Steganography


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Inspired by some exercise teased by Prof Jung, I decided to make you apply image Steganography to hide a secret image inside a bigger, unsuspecting one.
This technique is applied in real life, for example for the cartridges of the virtual console PICO-8 - the original Celeste (video game) was made in that - where the code is contained in a modified PNG file (P8PNGFileFormat).
Technically, you can hide all finds of data in other data in various ways.

In this example, we sacrifice the least significant 2 bits in Bit numbering of the original image to encode the 5 highest bits of the secret image.
It is just a design decision to be able to potentially save more data. As hinted in the vide it can be expanded to allow for variation.


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