IMI Info1 & Info2 - Tutorium WS22 - GitHub, Pull Requests & Merge conflicts


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I tried offering a training for everyone of the 1st & 2nd Semester regarding Git and pull requests, as this skill is vital to anyone in the IT industry. A few joined and we could test a few ideas.

The Repo is hidden by now, but the profile exists. Mail me, and I can train with you :D

00:00:00 - Intro - bye BlueJ :(
00:02:19 - What is a Repo?
00:04:00 - Forks (not spoons) & Pull requests
00:07:20 - Forking the repo
00:10:00 - Clone with GitHub Desktop
00:11:35 - Add files in Browser
00:13:40 - Pull first!
00:15:10 - The first pull request
00:17:38 - Accept the request
00:23:05 - Second pull request - cat content always wins!
00:24:28 - Sync back to local repo
00:28:00 - Update & change local PC copy
00:28:30 - Commit vs push
00:32:10 - Making merge conflicts :O
00:38:10 - Resolving a conflict
00:44:10 - Importance of Pull requests (PR)
00:46:00 - Fork an Open Source project
00:47:30 - Be a contributor
00:50:00 - Working as Collaborator
00:54:10 - Make organizations on Github
00:56:00 - Working without Git :(((
00:57:07 - Your Labs should NOT be in GitHub ;)
00:58:30 - Build a portfolio NOW!
01:01:00 - Beware of conflicts
01:02:00 - A REAL conflict (not inteded!) XD
01:06:25 - Avoid problems by good design
01:07:20 - Code by interface
01:10:45 - Use branches
01:16:20 - Fetch, pull, sync first
01:17:47 - Try to delete something
01:19:00 - Lab example - not relevant ;)
01:20:25 - Revert commits
01:24:30 - Git's inner workings (NEVER TOUCH)


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