IMI GDM1 WS22 - Explaining The Flags


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Setup of ImageJ for the exercises.

Explaining the possible math behind the first task in GDM.

00:00:00 - Intro
00:02:35 - Setup ImageJ in Eclipse
00:08:20 - File errors, add exteral library
00:11:25 - TODO notation
00:13:30 - Analyze the tasks
00:16:09 - Next step. fix method calls
00:18:00 - Add methods the stupid way: copy paste
00:19:25 - First test
00:20:35 - First image change, image basics
00:24:15 - Solve the yellow picture
00:26:40 - Bitshifting
00:32:05 - Test yellow
00:34:15 - White board explanation, Belgian flag
00:37:35 - Mathematical solution
00:40:50 - USA flag example
00:43:15 - Back to Belgium
00:49:25 - Color transition, calculate progression
01:08:35 - Czech flag
01:12:35 - Idea of diagonals
01:20:45 - Japanese flag idea
01:25:30 - Outro - learn to ask


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