IMI Info2 - Tutorium WS22 - Reading, Writing Files, Streams, Exceptions, ASCII and more


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we talked about how to read and write files in java, what byte streams are in general, How to take care of exceptions and why that matters (surface talk), ASCII characters for the first lab and more.

00:00:00 - Intro & Tutorium Moodle
00:06:35 - Histogram array (again)
00:09:05 - Calculate ASCII chars as numbers
00:14:25 - Special ASCII chars & string end
00:18:35 - Carriage Returns
00:22:58 - Write Java files
00:26:05 - Write Java integer to file
00:30:15 - FileReader & BufferedReader
00:34:05 - Try Catch & Throws
00:39:50 - Test methods & StringReader
00:41:46 - The most frequent char
00:44:50 - Read a large text file
00:45:45 - Complexity of the code
00:50:10 - Normalize strings
00:52:55 - Main args arguments
00:56:10 - How I did it: read chars
00:59:40 - Avoid string classes
01:03:25 - FileReader & BufferedReader (again)
01:09:20 - Counting chars
01:12:45 - Skip here: showng other labs
01:14:10 - Virtual Programming Lab on Sorting
01:18:00 - GDM Sliders
01:19:40 - Integer division & casting in BlueJ
01:25:45 - GDM Challenges
01:26:50 - Challenge questions
01:28:30 - Hand-in at Moodle
01:31:00 - GDM Solutions and Array fill
01:33:40 - Pixels, RGB & numbers


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