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  • avatar of user <p>Lena</p> <p>Lieb</p>



  • 8 Medien
  • hochgeladen 1. Juni 2020

Ecodesign in Practice, Fashion4Biodiversity The use of chemicals in silkworm breeding poses a threat to numerous species of animals and plants. Cocccon has developed a natural product that achieves results similar to those of chemical fungicides and pesticides but which does not interrupt the metamorphosis of the silkworms. In this way, Cocccon has successfully manufactured GOTS-certified organic silk that has already been used in fashion collections. In addition, information about the silk making process is passed on with every piece of silk that is sold. (c) 2018 German Federal Ecodesign Award, All rights reserved. ‘Ecodesign in practice’ is a series of educational modules focusing on ecodesign methods, circular economy, profitability and more. The videos are produced within EcoDesign Circle, a three-year project with the aim to increase the capacity of SMEs and design center’s in the field of ecodesign. EcoDesign Circle is run by design organizations and universities from Sweden, Germany, Estonia, Lithuania, Poland and Finland. It is funded by the EU through the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Program. "

Kategorien: Mode und Bekleidung